Revamp The Indiana Department of Child Services
Revamp Child Services In Indiana
We, the people of the State of Indiana, demand an investigation and a complete overhaul of The Department of Child Services which is flagrantly wasting TAXPAYER MONIES under the guise of protecting children while failing in a slovenly and miserable manner for the last several years running. This waste of taxpayer monies is unconscionable and only provides employment security to the most morally bereft misfits of society, whose company would not be welcomed by any person with any sense of moral decency!!
The Indiana Department of Child Services is perhaps the most corrupt government organization in Indiana.
Time after time, they have failed families. Many children have died or been killed as a direct result of the inability and refusal of this agency to PROPERLY perform their jobs, as required under their own policies and procedures and Indiana law. Their policies, procedures and Indiana law might as well be written on toilet paper, as far as they are concerned. They arbitrarily perform their "jobs" in any way they see fit, regardless of the consequences to the children, and NO ONE is holding them accountable for their abysmal FAILURE to legitimately protect children who truly need it and their flagrant victimization of INNOCENT PARENTS!!
The Indiana Department of Child Services is nothing more than a FLAGRANT WASTE of Taxpayer-monies!!!
The facts have proven time and again that caseworkers are more often than not committing fraud and using children as pawns in an attempt to force parents in to confessing to something that did not happen. They withhold and deny services to families in legitimate need of assistance, and use poverty as their basis to "Remove" children from their parents, instead of rightfully assisting them and fraudulently claiming neglect. "Poor parents are very often targeted to lose their children because they lack the financial where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system" This has had significant and devastating consequences on children who are alienated from LOVING PARENTS for no other reason than to ensure JOB SECURITY for the caseworkers and the agency and to keep the taxpayer funded bonuses flowing. This is in direct contradiction to what CAPTA, Indiana law, and DCS Policies and Procedures require!!!
Poverty is not a legitimate cause of action to substantiate abuse or neglect; nor is it a valid reason to "Remove" children.
Sometimes they have returned children to abusive situations, but more often than not, they take children away from LOVING parents. Much of this corruption comes from their inability or outright refusal to investigate a case. They target one person and refuse to look at other possibilities. Sometimes loving parents are set up by ex-spouses or people who simply don't like them. DCS does not care. They do a lot more harm than good. They victimize parents, they withhold evidence, they seek to terminate parental rights even when they have no case against the parents. They employ GESTAPO tactics to "Ambush Interview" parents; they use trickery and deceit to make a case when there isn't one. They employ manipulative tactics, using "Social Engineering" to get parents to admit to something they did not do. They withhold significant exculpatory evidence, IGNORE loving bonds between parents and children, they lie to judges in court, but the judges are also part of the problem, as they "Rubber-stamp" any and all motions submitted by DCS to "Remove" children and fail to UPHOLD the law that requires the state first prove their case that the child should be "Removed" after an investigation is completed and to return children to their parents when there is no substantiated abuse or neglect.
They hold children in state custody to keep the funds flowing for as long as they possibly can. THEY FLAGRANTLY IGNORE THE FACT THAT THIS IS EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING TO THE CHILDREN!!
This agency is clearly not legitimately functioning in the best interest of ANY CHILD, it is only functioning in it's own best interest, keeping this gigantic system afloat by employing numerous contractors: Counsellors, Lawyers, Judges, Therapists, Foster Parents; Mental Health Professionals and on and on. ALL are looking to the children in state custody to PROVIDE JOB SECURITY!!!
Any and all attempts to lodge complaints or make your voice heard concerning the conduct of this agency only result in either being hung up on; ignored, or having your child detained in state custody even longer, because you had the unmitigated gall to voice your concerns, or stand up for your rights.
This insanity MUST BE STOPPED!!
I encourage you to sign this petition. I will send it to several different places throughout the state of Indiana, including the media. Something desperately NEEDS TO BE DONE, and the SOONER, THE BETTER!! Together we can fight the corruption of DCS in Indiana.
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