No Coney Island Freak Show for (now) 4-legged Lilly

Of course, our goal is to MAKE SURE Lilly stays here in a loving and normal home with Allyson Siegel, who saved her from this freak-show owner John Strong the first of July. After the AP report here of his TV court win today against the original owner Calvin Owensby, please peruse links of some of his more infamous moments and quotes, including plans to reattach the 5th leg, if he could get it, between Lilly's eyes like a unicorn. And "no animal has the intelligence to know if they're humiliated or not," John Strong recent quote of the day from Coney Island freak-show owner regarding Lilly's case.

TV Judge Jeanine Pirro Hears Five-Legged Puppy Case

CHICAGO (AP/1010 WINS)  -- Thanks to a Chicago TV judge, a Coney Island freak show operator is up $4,000, but he's still down one five-legged puppy.

Judge Jeanine Pirro ruled Wednesday that freak show owner John Strong is entitled to the cash after the dog's original owner backed out of a contract to sell the Chihuahua-terrier mix to him.

Calvin Owensby, the first owner, planned to sell her to Strong but said he backed out when he realized what kind of show Strong runs.

Strong sued for breach of contract and won. Owensby countersued for intentional infliction of emotional distress but lost.

Owensby sold the dog to a North Carolina woman (Note from petition author: Lilly's owner is Allyson Siegel, Charlotte, NC) who wanted to keep the animal out of the freak show. The woman has had the fifth leg removed. Strong plans to fight to reclaim the dog.

The show airs Sept. 8.

Unicorn with leg reattached between eyes:

To feature the unfortunate Lilly in a show with her useless leg dragging behind her:

Reattachment plans:

With that said, please join us in our cause to support Allyson and Lilly by making yourself heard, and spreading the word and petition with all your animal-loving friends! Many thanks in advance!
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