Help these cats experience the world

  • da: Cat Banter
  • destinatario: Mommakitty & Daddykitty
If you're a bean (human being), then you know how great it is to have the freedom to go outside...but not every creature has this luxury! Help Kimo & Sabi get a pet stroller!

Kimo and Sabi are indoor cats - and for good reason! There are too many threats in their reighborhood that make it unsafe for them to experience the great "out of doors" - metal monsters (cars), vishus deer, vagabond woofies, turkey vultures (who would love a tasty cat treat), mean beans, racoons (sure, they look cute), Diamondback rattlesnakes, poisonous plants, rat poison, disease . . . need we say more?!

A pet stroller is a safe way for pets, of all types, to enjoy some fresh air, see the sights, meet the neighbors, smell the flowers, and feel the wind in their fur! Ahhhhh - fresh air! What could be more liberating - plus kicking back while having your "staff" stroll you around!

Learn more about Kimo & Sabi at their blog:
Dear Beans - please get Kimo & Sabi a pet stroller. They deserve to feel the air flowing through their fur, and the smells of jasmine and bar-b-ques floating across their whiskers. It's the right thing to do.
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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