Help me save my step-son


 I am asking anyone who knows me to please sign this. I am going to court on October 5th,2007. This involes my step-son, I am being accussed of verbal and physical violence towards my step-son, which everyone that knows me from wrestling and outside of wrestling knows that I do not and have not done anything like this towards either of my kids. It was also claimed that on the last visitaion that I was home at my house for the whole period of time and I wouldn't allow my step-son out and was abusve towards him, which those of you that know me would know I was at wrestling from 8am-9pm from Thursday-Sunday-August 16th-19th. This is an attempt to discredit me and my wife. I would like for all of you to sign this petition in hopes of showing the Judge that these charges are false. That they are fabricated and filled with lies. Teaching a child to lie for there own good shouldn't be tolerated. I ask that we all take a stand against this and show that truth shall prevail. I am far from perfect but enough is enough already. I would like it also known that my wife brought my step-son up to the school for the wrestling tournament on his request, and let is also be known that there where two gyms and I didn't see my step- child. All of these charges are laced with lies and it's time we all take a stand. The truth shall be told once and for all! And its funny just before this July 24th-30th, I wrestled at the Empire State Games taking Gold and Silver and my step-son taped all my matches and can be heard cheering me on, cheering lets go dad louder then anyone and didn't miss one of my 8 matches. Thanks to all that know the truth and sign!

Steven Ketcham

P.S. and if anyone else wants to go a step beyond this and write me a letter also, you can send all letters to my e-mail at                   
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