The Liberation Treatment for MS Patients

The Liberation Treatment is a potentially ground breaking discovery for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. In November 2009, Italian researcher Dr. Paolo Zamboni, made headlines worldwide with his study of  chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI). The MS community responded with great hope, excitement and a call for immediate action.   Unfortunately, on Tuesday August 31 2010 the Canadian government decided not to fund a clinical trial of the Liberation Treatment in Canada.  As a Canadian citizen and once a supporter of the MS society, I wish to express my interest in seeing our country act as a leader in helping find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.  This alternative treatment  has inspired hundreds of thousands of people afflicted with the disease, all of whom deserve the opportunity to pursue their hope.

Le Traitement de liberation est une decouverte sans precedent pour le traitement de la sclerose en plaques (SEP). En novembre 2009, le chercheur italien, Dr Paolo Zamboni, a fait les manchettes sur la scene mondiale relativement a son etude sur l'IVCC (insuffisance veineuse cephalorachidienne chronique). La communaute de SEP a reagi avec grands espoirs et enthousiasme et a demande une action immediate a ce sujet. Malheureusement, le 31 aout 2010, le gouvernement canadien a decide de ne pas financer l'essai clinique sur le Traitement de liberation au Canada. En tant que citoyen(ne) canadien(ne) et autrefois partisan(e) de la societe SEP, je souhaite faire connaitre mon interet a voir ce pays agir en chef de file afin de contribuer a trouver un traitement curatif pour la SEP. Ce traitement alternatif a inspire des centaines de milliers de personnes souffrant de cette maladie et c'est pour celles-ci que nous devons poursuivre leur espoir.
We the undersigned,

Are greatly disappointed with our governments decision regarding the CCSVI treatment for those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. This is a minimally invasive treatment that is done in many other countries and even in Canada for cardial patients but not for MS patients.  We are truly and deeply saddened to discover that what was a glimmer of hope for those struggling both physically and mentally with this disease every day, has simply been cast aside. We wish to express our interest in seeing this country act as a leader in any and all research for an area that has not seen many advances. Realize that hundreds of Canadians have already chosen to bear the added expense and travel challenges in seeking this treatment abroad, simply because it is not available in their own country - for their specific condition. Their actions have have saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars by freeing themselves of a dependency on medications that to date, have not proven to be a more successful treatment than CSSVI. The results of these petitioners whom have had the treatment done, speaks loud and clear. Analysis of the long term correlation between MS and CCSCVI, helps no one in the short term. Please do the right thing. MS affects all of us.

Nous, les soussignes,

Sommes grandement decus de la decision de notre gouvernement relativement au traitement IVCC (insuffisance veineuse cerebro-rachidienne chronique) aupres des patients souffrant de sclerose en plaques (SEP). Notons que ce traitement invasif minimal est offert dans plusieurs pays et meme au Canada pour les patients atteints d'une maladie cardiaque, mais non accorde aux patients souffrant de SEP. Nous sommes profondement tristes a l'idee que cette lueur d'espoir, pour ceux et celles qui luttent chaque jour contre cette maladie, a ete abandonnee. Nous souhaitons faire connaitre notre interet a voir ce pays agir en chef de file relativement a toutes les recherches liees  un secteur qui n'a connu que peu d'avancees jusqu'a present. Agissez et faites ce qui s'impose - la  SEP nous affecte tous.
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