Let's get the Power Rangers to San Diego!

We the undersigned, being fans of the Power Rangers RPM television series, welcome its return to our TV screens for what is sadly a final series.

In order to capitalise on the huge popularity of the show, and to give the shows loyal fan base a final opportunity to meet and thank its cast and crew members, we urge Disney Corp to facilitate the presence of the Power Rangers RPM cast/production crew at the San Diego Comic-Con to be held in San Diego, California, between 23-26 July 2009.
We the undersigned, being fans of the Power Rangers RPM television series, welcome its return to our TV screens for what is sadly a final series, and particularly welcome the casting of Adelaide Kane as the new character Tenaya 7. We believe she and her character are a valuable asset to the new series of the show.

In order to capitalise on the obvious appeal of this new character, and all the other cast members, and to give the shows loyal fan base a final opportunity to meet and thank its cast and crew members, we urge Disney Corp to facilitate the presence of the Power Rangers RPM cast/production crew at the San Diego Comic-Con to be held in San Diego, California, between 23-26 July 2009.
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Firma la petizione

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