CNN: Irresponsible Reporting--Doctors & Haiti
CNN reporters have circulated and printed "Photos of Drinking, Grinning Aid Mission Doctors Cause Uproar" on Facebook. These are photos of doctors who had returned from Haiti or who were going to help in Haiti. It depicts aid workers enjoying a light moment, having a few cold beers, and holding weapons. It's a well-deserved moment taken to unwind. This is trash reporting at its best. These people have gone or are on their way to Haiti on a volunteer basis, they're confronted with the most horrendous tragic circumstances, they're in the midst of mountains of dead bodies, dying people, bleeding people, performing amputations with hacksaws and without anesthesia or pain medication. They're doing their best to save lives while we sit here in the comfort of our homes preparing for the Super Bowl. Who are we to pass judgment on them? If a tragedy of these proportions happened to us here, we would be most fortunate to have these brave souls come to our aid to help us. Note that the headline reads that the photo caused "an uproar," but read the comments on the only uproar is directed at these reporters themselves. These CNN reporters are spreading hate and they should be fired for irresponsible, hateful, misleading, and subversive reporting.
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