Cancel the FIA approved WDC selection criteria for F1 World Championship 2009

Please accept this petition from �F1 Fans of the World as our official statement against the FIA approved World Drivers Champion (WDC) selection process that will be used for the 2009 F1 World Championship. �We believe the quantity of wins alone is not an accurate selection criteria for the WDC. �We propose that the cumulative points standings at the end of the 2009 F1 World Championship should determine the WDC, as it has for previous �F1 World Championships.
Please accept this petition from �F1 Fans of the World as our official statement against the FIA approved World Drivers Champion (WDC) selection process that will be sued for the 2009 F1 World Championship. �We believe the quantity of wins alone is not an accurate selection criteria for the WDC. �We proposed that the cumulative points standings at the end of the 2009 F1 World Championship should determine the WDC, as it has for previous �F1 World Championships.
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