We wish all shark finning in the EU to be completely banned, with no exceptions, and to be enforced by requiring all shark bodies to be landed with their fins naturally attached.
We, the signed below, wish Council Regulation 1185/2003 to be amended as such: all shark-finning to be completely banned, with no derogations, permits (SFPs), loopholes or exceptions, and to be enforced by requiring all shark bodies to be landed with their fins naturally attached.
This is the course of action recommended by the SSG (the worlds foremost collection of respected shark experts) as the only fail-safe, most reliable (and) least expensive means to enforce the shark-finning ban in accordance with the EUs own legal obligation defined under Article 2(1) of the CFP Basic Regulation (Regulation EC/2371/2002).
Shark-finning is a cruel, wasteful and unnecessary practice that is critically decimating shark populations.
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