No Toxic Waste at Christina Lake
Do not be a party to polluting our pristine valley by being silent.
To tarnish the very nature of Christina Lake and our Valley with a Toxic/Hazardous waste processing facility is a travesty in and of itself. The negative impact of 100,000 tons or more a year of American hazardous goods being transported into our region, endangers our water supply, our health and our very way of life. The potential backlash in lower property values, increased health costs, and millions in lost revenues to the tourist-industry-based community will erode the local economy.
Tell our local decision makers we would rather continue to be known as a jewel of the region rather than America's toxic waste dump by signing this petition. For more information and discussion visit our website Please contact us. We would welcome your input and insights.
We the undersigned:
Wish to make it known for the reasons below, that the proposed Aquilini project is not in keeping with the wants and needs of our community.
The area 'C' Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws do not allow for this type of industry. In the OCP, Christina Lake residents state that they want to remain a rural residential tourist town, that they do not want major industry. If rezoning to this type of major industry is passed by the Regional District Board, then it will be difficult for them to say no to other applications for similar rezoning.%uFFFDMany families have moved or retired to Christina Lake to their dream or holiday%uFFFDhomes and properties%uFFFDfor%uFFFDthe rural residential lifestyle, not for major industry.%uFFFDWill people want to retire or vacation in Christina Lake if Hazardous Waste Factories are promoted?%uFFFDHazardous Waste Factories do not belong here. They should be built in the cities or industrial centres where the hazardous waste is produced.%uFFFDWaste-to-energy factories produce hydrogen, methanol, singas, and other highly explosive gases. Catastrophic explosions and fire could occur. Accidents have killed families and destroyed homes in other regions.%uFFFDOur air and water are beautiful and clean; how long will%uFFFDit last with this type of major industry in our town? Any accidents at the proposed site or during product transport could poison our ground water, our air, or the lake much of our community depends on for their water supply.%uFFFDIt is not environmentally sustainable, economically sustainable, safe or responsible to transport dangerous wastes from southern California, Alberta and other faraway places to Christina Lake. The CO2 emissions and costs are so high to transport over these distances, it%uFFFDmakes the proposal completely unsustainable. The transportation of Hazardous and Dangerous wastes%uFFFDto and through our town, and the transportation of gas by-products, will only add to the dangers already existing by the very presence of this facility.%uFFFD
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione