We need to stop this proposed methane gas export project

A massive liquified "natural" gas (LNG) export facility could soon get the green light to be built on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. If approved, the Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) facility could pollute up to 20 times the annual carbon emissions of the Willow drilling project in Alaska — equivalent to emissions from more than 42 million gas-powered cars or more than 50 coal-fired power plants. Join Earthjustice, the premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization, in telling the federal government to put people over polluters and reject the CP2 project.

The CP2 project is just one part of the larger story about the LNG buildout. U.S. gas exports have skyrocketed in recent years, as the fossil fuel industry pushes a buildout of LNG export facilities to sell gas overseas at record profits. Despite the threats to public health, the climate, and higher energy costs for consumers, the government is continuing to approve new projects that are not in the public interest. But the CP2 project can be stopped if we all rally together to voice our opposition to it.

CP2's pollution, traffic, sprawl, and visual impact would affect nine local communities along the Gulf Coast. This project would be located next to an existing export facility, Calcasieu Pass LNG, which has repeatedly violated its permits, and potentially another LNG export terminal. These communities already bear the burden of heavy industry and are on the frontlines of the bigger hurricanes and storms fueled by climate change.

It's past time to stop greenlighting fossil fuel industry expansion and prioritize communities and pollution-free, renewable energy.
Dear Secretary Granholm:

I am writing to request that you please do not approve Venture Global's application to the Department of Energy (DOE) to export Liquefied "Natural" Gas (LNG) from their proposed CP2 LNG facility in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. CP2 LNG would be the largest volume of LNG ever approved for export. At full volume, the lifecycle emissions of fracking, liquefying, shipping, regasifying, and burning that much gas will add up to 190 million tons of CO2e each year – 20 times the annual emissions from burning the oil produced at the Willow drilling project in Alaska and equivalent to the emissions from more than 42 million gas-powered cars or 51 coal-fired power plants.

I also encourage the DOE to change how it determines whether new licenses for LNG exports are in the public interest, which, as currently applied has led to the near-universal approval of LNG exports , at the expense of communities harmed by of extraction, transport, and export facilities; consumers facing rising energy prices; and the climate. DOE's current approach to making such determinations does not come close to fully or accurately considering how LNG exports impact the climate, environmental justice, or domestic energy prices.

U.S. LNG exports have doubled over the past four years, and projects currently under development are set to nearly double exports again. Analysis from the Sierra Club has found that lifecycle emissions of all existing and proposed LNG export terminals would be equivalent to 539 coal plants annually, putting the Biden administration's climate commitments out of reach. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has also found that LNG exports are the driving force behind forecasted gas production growth. At a time when Americans across the country are experiencing ever-harsher climate impacts, it is imperative that DOE makes decisions about additional LNG infrastructure in a way that takes into account the climate costs of these projects.

Increased LNG exports also have significant ramifications for environmental justice communities and DOE should ensure that its public interest determinations follow the letter and spirit of President Biden's Executive Order on Revitalizing our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All. LNG exports pollute communities along the whole value chain of LNG production, including those located near fracking wells and pipelines, in the areas where LNG is liquefied and processed for export, and in the communities overseas where it is imported and combusted. By exacerbating climate change, LNG exports also pose a threat to environmental justice at home and abroad, because the impacts of climate change fall most heavily on low-income communities and communities of color.

LNG exports drive up household energy burdens across the country, and those effects can trickle down to other essential goods, such as food and fertilizer. Americans rank inflation as the top problem facing the country, and nearly 25% of Americans had to choose between paying for food and medicine or their energy bill at least once in the past year. DOE's public interest determination for LNG exports should consider the effect that these exports will have on US consumers already suffering from inflation.

Given the ramifications of the unrestrained LNG export buildout on the communities, the environment, and climate progress, it is critical that the DOE consider the implications of the unrestricted flow of U.S.- produced energy across the globe and enact reasonable limits on LNG exports.

Once again, I am asking that you deny Venture Global's application to the Department of Energy to export LNG from their proposed CP2 facility and all similar applications due to the numerous negative impacts they would have on Gulf communities, the economy, and the climate.

Thank you for your consideration,

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