• Whereas the climate crisis is real; it is already affecting the Trust Area and the impacts will get worse,
• Whereas the latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report indicates the urgent need for strong action to limit average global temperature increases to 1.5 ºC;
• The British Columbia government declared a provincial state of emergency in 2017 and again in 2018 over record-setting wildfires; extreme weather events, fueled by human-induced climate change, are expected to continue until atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are reduced below current levels.
• Whereas a growing list of communities around the world, including BC's Capital Regional District, have joined an international movement in declaring a Climate Emergency to focus attention and resources on resolving the climate crisis; and
• Whereas a Climate Emergency plan includes reversing the growth of GHG emissions and achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, which is challenging but not impossible if all levels of government take the necessary actions.
1. declare a Climate Emergency in the Islands Trust Area.
2. take a leadership role toward achieving carbon neutrality in the Islands Trust Area by 2030.
3. endorse the Capital Regional District Board's declaration of a Climate Emergency and state Trust Council's Intent to cooperate on agreed climate actions;
4. request the BC government and the Federal government to provide the powers and resources to local governments to make Trust Council's 2030 target possible;
5. direct staff to report back to the June 2019 Council meeting on measures that would be required to meet the 2030 target.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 5 ans
A belated thanks to everyone who signed my petition in February and March. The petition of 515 signatures was tabled with the Islands Trust Council on March 14, 2019.
I am delighted to let you know that Trust Council unanimously voted to declare a Climate Emergency in the Trust area and will be reviewing necessary actions at its next quarterly meeting in June.
Your support was a prime reason we were successful, demonstrating the extensive and wide
need to take urgent action.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
Thanks for signing my petition. Over 200 signatures to date. Unless you have forwarded it to others, please do so now. The deadline of March 12 is fast approaching.