Stop the War on Women in Congo

  • par:
  • destinataire: U.S. House of Representatives

There's a war raging in the Democratic Republic of the Congo -- a war that's killed approximately 5.4 million people since 1998. In fact, it's the deadliest conflict since World War II. And the most frequent targets in this hidden war are women, so much so that it's often called a "war against women."

And the most frequent weapon used to destroy them, their families and their communities is rape.

Tens of thousands of women and girls have been and continue to be victims of systematic rape and sexual assault. Rape is used deliberately and strategically to terrorize, humiliate and attack the community bonds of those suspected of supporting an enemy group and to impose the supremacy of one group over another.

The situation is intolerable, and something must be done! Act today to support H.Res. 1227 and call on the U.S. Administration to do more to stop the violence against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The ongoing fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has killed approximately 5.4 million people. That makes it the deadliest conflict since World War II. And the most frequent targets of the fighting are women and girls, so much so that it is often referred to as a "war against women."

Rape has been used deliberately and strategically to attack the fundamental values of the community, to terrorize and humiliate those suspected of supporting an enemy group and to impose the supremacy of one group over another.

Tens of thousands of women and girls have been victims of systematic rape and sexual assault committed by combatant forces. Women and girls have been attacked in their homes, in the fields or as they go about their daily activities. Many have been raped more than once or have suffered gang rapes. In many cases, women and young girls have been taken as sex slaves by combatants. Rape has often been preceded or followed by the deliberate wounding, torture (including torture of sexual nature) or killing of the victim. Rapes have been committed in public and in front of family members, including children. Some women have been raped next to the corpses of family members.

The situation is intolerable, and that is why I urge your support for H.Res. 1227 condemning the sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The resolution introduced by Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney and co-sponsored by Rep. Brad Miller calls on the U.S. Administration and international community to take the following actions towards addressing this issue:

* Calls on the U.S. Secretary of State to appoint a special envoy to DR Congo, and urges the U.S. government and broader international community to provide victims of sexual violence with greater assistance for health care services, psychological and social counseling, and legal advice;
* Calls on the government of DR Congo to end the widespread sexual violence by holding all armed groups accountable for their actions;
* Calls for full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, which calls for the protection of women and girls and the promotion of their rights.

[Your comment]

I urge your support for H.Res. 1227. Please act to save the women of the Democratic Republic of the Congo from further sexual violence.

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