The Supreme Court Immunity Ruling Means Trump Could Assassinate a Rival or Stage a Military Coup Without Punishment. Biden Must Act NOW!

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: President Joe Biden
This week, the Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump cannot be prosecuted for crimes he committed in his official capacity as president. You read that correctly: the conservative majority of the Supreme Court just gave Donald Trump, and any future president, near-total immunity for criminal activity.

This undemocratic decision is a gateway for corruption and lays the groundwork for a dictatorship.

"The President is now a king above the law" wrote Justice Sotomayor in her dissent.

Sign the petition to tell Biden: use this newfound immunity to disqualify Trump from running for office!

We already know that Donald Trump is more than comfortable breaking the law and abusing his power. From paying hush money to cover up affairs during his campaign, to stealing classified United States documents, to interfering with election results, to literally inciting an angry mob to storm the Capitol Building in response to said results, the laundry list of Donald Trump's corrupt crimes seems never-ending.

And the conservative-packed Supreme Court just gave Trump the green light to keep this debasement of our democracy up.

In her dissent, Justice Sotomayer -- writing for the three Democratic justices who opposed the ruling -- listed more crimes Donald Trump now has the freedom to commit without any fear of prosecution. Pardon criminals like himself in exchange for bribes. Order the military to assassinate a political opponent. Stage a military coup to stay in power, which is the typical beginning of a dictatorship. And nothing can be done about it.

With this decision, the Supreme Court has possibly handed down the killing blow to our democracy as we know it.

But Joe Biden is still President of the United States, so this immunity ruling applies to him as well. That's why we are asking Biden to use this new power to pass an executive order disqualifying convicted felons from running for president. Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions would disqualify him immediately, and then our government could get to work undoing all the damage the Supreme Court has already done.

This immunity decision makes one thing clear: we cannot let Donald Trump near the Oval Office ever again, or the consequences could be disastrous now that the law no longer applies to him.

Sign the petition and ask that Joe Biden use his executive power and immunity to disqualify convicted felons like Donald Trump from running for president!

"Donald Trump" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
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