Request for Disney to Either Merge 20th Century Studios and Touchstone Pictures Into the New 20th Century Touchstone Label or Fold Touchstone into 20th If Possible

It has been nearly a year since the Walt Disney Company's acquisition of 21st Century Fox was complete and the Fox Corportion got spun off before that. It has also been about 85 years since the merger between the Fox Film Corporation and 20th Century Pictures, Inc. It also has been a few days since Disney dropped the Fox name from its recently-renamed 20th Century Studios and Searchlight Pictures. This petition requests the Walt Disney Company to either merge 20th Century Studios and the currently-inactive Touchstone Pictures to form the new movie label called 20th Century Touchstone or fold Touchstone into 20th if possible. If not, that is fine. Thank you.

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 4 ans
Hello, everyone. Well, Disney has phased out the Fox name from its recently-renamed 20th Century Studios and Searchlight Pictures to avoid confusion with the Fox Corporation. You can still contineu to sign my petiton asking Disney to either merge 20th and Touchstone or fold Touchstone into 20th. Thanks for supporting..
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 4 ans
Hello, everyone. Well, it seems like the Walt Disney Company may indeed keep the 20th Century Fox brand name, fanfare and legacy alive for centuries to come once its acquisition of most of 21CF is complete, but you can still sign my petition. Thank you for signing.
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