Tell Governor Shapiro: Pennsylvania Families Want a Strong Methane Plan

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide during its first 20 years in the atmosphere. Tons of methane and other harmful air pollutants leak from oil and gas infrastructure every year—putting our families' health at risk.

Last December, EPA finalized a rule that would put a big dent in methane pollution from new and existing oil and gas wells across the country.

EPA's methane rule is important because it tackles a range of new and existing pollution sources, including gas wells and compressor stations, facilities used to pressurize the gas and transport it through pipelines.

Now it's time for states to take action. Pennsylvania is working on a plan to update our state methane protections to match strong new federal protections from the U.S. EPA. Our state needs a good plan to ensure Pennsylvania families feel all the public health, economic, and environmental benefits of the federal rule.

We need standards for responding to large releases—known as "super emitter" events—and we need updated requirements for storage tanks. We need instrument-based pollution monitoring at all well sites. We need to make sure neighborhoods near oil and gas wells have access to all necessary resources and expertise.

And we need all of this as soon as possible. Protecting the health of our communities cannot wait.

Sign and let Governor Shapiro know you want to see a strong state methane plan.

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