Atlanta: Permanently Install LGBTQ Pride Crosswalks at 10th and Piedmont

  • par: Sarah Rose
  • destinataire: Atlanta City Council, Mayor Kasim Reed

In 2015, the crosswalks of 10th and Piedmont in downtown Atlanta were painted rainbow to commemorate pride. 10th and Piedmont is considered by many to be the "epicenter" of Atlanta's LGBTQ district - and the surrounding area is a huge gathering place each year for Pride.

After Pride, the painted crosswalks were removed - much to the disappointment of Atlanta's LGBTQ community. Ever since, the community has been vocal about wanting the crosswalk to return.

Join me in urging Atlanta's city officials to make the 10th and Piedmont pride crosswalk a permanent Atlanta fixture - with the rainbow or trans pride flags, or a combination of both.


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