An Unvaccinated Child Just Died of Measles. Pledge to Keep Kids Up to Date on Vaccines and Prevent Deadly Outbreaks.

Measles was once considered eliminated in the U.S., but unfortunately the threat is once again real. A child who wasn't vaccinated died during a recent outbreak, the first U.S. measles death since 2015. This is a stark reminder that the fight against preventable diseases is far from over.

Vaccines are safe, effective, and our best defense against diseases like measles. They prevent infection, reduce the risk of severe complications, and protect not just individuals, but entire communities. This recent outbreak has resulted in 124 cases of measles across nine counties, and sadly, the death of a child who could have been protected with a simple vaccine.

Sign now to pledge that you will do your part in protecting your children and your community by keeping their vaccines up to date.

Vaccines are essential, not only for individual health but for community safety. Measles is a highly contagious disease, and when vaccination rates drop, outbreaks happen. The first dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is recommended for children ages 12 to 15 months, and the second dose is given at ages 4 to 6 years. Keeping children up to date with their vaccines ensures they are protected from this dangerous disease.

Increased vaccine hesitancy, combined with a decline in vaccination rates, has led to more outbreaks of measles, a disease that once posed little threat thanks to widespread immunization. This situation needs to change, and we can start by ensuring that our children are vaccinated.

Let's protect our children from measles, pneumonia, blindness, and even death by ensuring they receive the vaccinations they need. Vaccines are a simple, effective tool to protect public health, and we need to use them to stop outbreaks before they start.

Sign the petition now to pledge to keep your child's vaccines up to date, and help prevent more senseless deaths from preventable diseases like measles.

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