Make the Election About the Issues, Not Character Attacks!

  • par: Care2
  • destinataire: Presidential Campaigns
How many houses does John McCain have? Is Barack Obama a celebrity? Is the media coverage of Sarah Palin sexist? Is Joe Biden showing too much emotion when he tears up over how his sons became Steelers fans?

More importantly, why are these the questions dominating the news cycle? The 2008 presidential election should be about the issues, and the over-coverage of the non-political aspects of this presidential race is disheartening.

Instead of focusing on negative attacks on each other, both candidates' campaigns should make a concerted effort to have their views on the issues be what people are talking about. Voters will then be able to decide which candidate's views match their own most closely on the issues that matter to them. Tell the candidates: Stick to the issues!
Dear Senator Obama and Senator McCain,

I have been disappointed to see your campaigns focus heavily on attacking your opponent's character, drawing the news cycle away from your positions on issues. As an American voter, I would much rather hear you talk about your views on issues that matter to me.

It is insulting that you believe such attacks will cause me to vote for you; I am much more interested in making sure my views align with yours in areas that are important to me.

[Your comment here]

In the remaining weeks leading up to the election, please stop the petty attacks on the character and personality of your opponent.

Thank you for focusing on the issues.

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