Demand D.C. Pass "Extreme Weather" Protection for Outdoor Pets

  • par: Madison Donzis
  • destinataire: District of Columbia City Council, D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser, the Humane Rescue Alliance

Please sign this petition asking D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, the D.C. City Council, and the Humane Rescue Alliance to take action and pass Council member Brandon Todd's proposed "Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Act of 2017." If D.C. had a law like this already in place, it would be illegal for dogs and cats to be left outside in freezing conditions.

This issue has been brought to a head by the sad story of Momma, a young female pit bull whose caretaker left her to live outside in subzero temperatures in an uninsulated wooden box, usually with no adequate food or water. She was emaciated, cold and profoundly uncomfortable. Neighbors were horrified and complained multiple times to animal control, the mayor's office, and the Humane Rescue Alliance (D.C.'s humane society).

Those caring neighbors were told Momma's living conditions comply with the minimum standards of D.C. animal cruelty law. That's outrageous. That has to change. If you agree, please sign this petition.

Dear Mayor Bowser, members of D.C.'s City Council, and the Humane Rescue Alliance:

Those who have signed this petition, like many other members of the public, were deeply distressed and angered to learn the story of Momma, a young female pit bull who has been forced to live outside in extreme cold conditions. Neighbors reported on multiple occasions to each of you that Momma was living outside in subzero weather, without adequate food, water or warmth.

Those neighbors, and those who now know Momma's story, were astounded to know that Momma's living conditions are considered compliant with D.C.'s animal cruelty laws. How can that possibly be? How can you continue to let the D.C. code allow a skinny, underfed, shivering dog to live outside in an uninsulated box with a bit of straw for warmth and comfort?

The code needs to change so Humane Law Enforcement officers can take decisive action when they find pets living like Momma. Therefore, please take action quickly to pass Council member Brandon Todd's proposed "Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Act of 2017." The animals need your help, as quickly as you can provide it.

We thank you for giving this matter the attention it deserves.


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