CBS says it will NOT fact-check candidates during VP debate. Demand they reverse this terrible decision

CBS now says it will NOT fact-check candidates during the VP debate this week -- even for patently obvious lies. Meaning JD Vance can spew a stream of blatant BS with no pushback whatsoever from the moderators.

Add your name, and demand CBS reverse this horrible decision.

What the hell is the point of having moderators if they're just going to sit there and say nothing about obvious lies? CBS says it will be up to the candidates to do it. But it shouldn't be Tim Walz's responsibility to use his limited time to do the moderators' job for them.

Worse yet, CBS actually has a "misinformation unit" that will be doing the fact checking and posting it on a blog, where approximately zero people will see it. Why not give this content to the moderators so they can present it to the debate audience during the actual debate?

Don't let CBS do this unchallenged. Demand they practice actual journalism, fact-check the VP debate, and not let Vance tell lie after lie unchallenged.

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