Urgent! Nosey's Law A1923! New Jersey Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin PLEASE PUT THIS BILL on the Assembly AGENDA 2018!

  • par: Robin Vitulle
  • destinataire: New Jersey Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, Governor Phil Murphy

‼️Urgent‼️‼️ TIME IS RUNING OUT! Nosey's Law NEEDS YOU NOW!

PLEASE SIGN and SHARE far and wide!  

New Jersey residents as well as advocates around the world, please sign and keep sharing until Nosey's Law bill A1923 becomes LAW of New Jersey.

A1923 "Nosey's Law"; prohibits use of elephants and other wild or exotic animals in traveling animal acts.

The New Jersey Senate voted unanimously (37-0) to pass Nosey's Law (S1093/A1923) – a bill to ban wild animal circus acts statewide. Thursday, June 28th, 2018, was the last opportunity for an Assembly vote before the summer legislative break. (Sorry to say it was NOT posted for a vote. Now it will have to wait until the fall legislative session for the Assembly vote.)

This is why we need YOU NOW!  With your help, we could win this!  NOW is the time to act! If you live in NJ, contact your assembly members TODAY in support of Nosey's Law, and ask Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin to post Nosey's Law (S1093/A1923) for a vote, to make NJ the first state in the nation to end circus suffering for wild animals.

This moment is particularly significant. It's a real opportunity for major statewide change. Once NJ passes Nosey's Law other states will follow. We must all come together to help win this war.  Many battles face us in our advocacy to help captive elephants and together we WILL WIN THE WAR!  As long as there are suffering elephants, our fight will continue.  

Find your NJ legislator here: http://bit.ly/2r0RS8w

Contact Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin by phone (732) 855-7441 or email AsmCoughlin@njleg.org

The Full Assembly must vote.  Speaker Craig Coughlin must put Nosey's Law A1923 ON THE Assembly Agenda. 
Please TAKE ACTION and call him now.
☎️(732) 855-7441
Email: asmcoughlin@njleg.org
Ask him to PLEASE put Nosey's Law A1923 on the Assembly AGENDA.
It is imperative this gets voted on before the end of this year!
Thank you.

(Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin has the power to push Nosey's Law all the way to Gov. Phil Murphy to sign into law, IF he puts it on the Assembly agenda! Since it was not posted in June, 2018 now it has to wait until the Fall Legislative Session begins.

The animals don't deserve to wait this long.


Video of Carson & Barnes elephant trainer, Timothy Frisco, beating elephants while training other handlers to do the same. (same trainer traveling with Garden Bros. Circus.) CAUTION: Graphic!!  


Video taken this year of Viola & Isa while traveling with the Garden Bros. Circus in Wildwood, NJ:  encounter with Anthony Frisco the handler.  Carson & Barnes is the owner of Viola & Isa and many other suffering elephants rented out for use in circuses.  


Mettre À Jour #3il y a 6 ans
Right now is a CRITICAL time to have Nosey's Law A1923 brought up for a vote in the NJ Assembly. Garden Bros. Circus is currently coming through New Jersey and traveling to many towns and cities across the USA. ON Oct. 14th, 2018 in Trenton, NJ, Garden Bros. Circus is performing at the Cure Insurance Arena. IF NOSEY'S LAW had been brought up for a vote this past summer, they would not be here. Please see On FB: Garden Bros. Circus Protest-Rally Trenton, NJ October 14, 2018 Thank you!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 6 ans
Now that the summer break is in effect, Nosey's Law will have to wait until the Fall Legislative Session begins to be voted on. Speaker Craig Coughlin DID NOT put Nosey's Law on the agenda for the Assembly members to vote on.. This is very disturbing since the bill would have be voted through and Gov. Phil Murphy would have had it on his desk to sign into LAW.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO SIGN & SHARE THIS PETITION FAR AND WIDE! Let's send a message that we will NEVER GIVE UP on Nosey's Law A1923!!!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans
As of 3:45pm June 27th, 2018 Nosey's Law A1923 STILL NOT ON ASSEMBLY AGENDA!
Urging everyone to contact Speaker Coughlin ASAP! This bill must be posted by Thursday's Full Assembly session! Contact: (732) 855-7441 Please call! Share this petition! Thank you.
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