Marylanders Deserve End-of-Life Autonomy

The Maryland End-of-Life Option Act has been introduced in Annapolis. Modeled after proven policy in 11 jurisdictions where medical aid in dying is authorized—including our neighbors in DC—the bill would give qualified terminally ill adults the option to request and receive medication they could self-ingest to die peacefully if their suffering becomes unbearable.

Access to a peaceful death should not be determined by where you live. Contact your lawmakers today and tell them that terminally ill Marylanders deserve to make their own medical decisions.

The Compassion & Choices family comprises two organizations: Compassion & Choices (the 501(c)(3)), whose focus is expanding access, public education and litigation; and Compassion & Choices Action Network (the 501(c)(4)), whose focus is legislative work at the federal and state levels.

Paid for by Compassion & Choices Action Network

To whom it may concern: 

I am among the majority of Marylanders who support the end-of-life care option of medical aid in dying for qualified terminally ill individuals.

I believe that individuals should be able to decide what's right for them at the end of their lives, especially in the face of terminal suffering.

I am urging you to support The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass End-of-Life Option Act (SB926/HB1328) and work to pass the bill without delay.

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