Tell the Fish and Wildlife Service: Protect monarchs from extinction and their habitat

Just 30 years ago, millions of monarch butterflies migrated across North America each year. Today, their population has plummeted by more than 95%.
This beloved species – once a familiar sight in our gardens and fields – is at risk of disappearing forever.
In its final weeks, the Biden administration took bold action by proposing to list monarchs as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act and protect their critical habitat.
Now it's up to us to show the Trump administration that there's massive, nationwide support to protect monarchs and other pollinators — and we won't stand by and watch these vital creatures be driven to extinction.
As corporate agribusiness and other powerful interests push back against these safeguards, this public comment period is our chance to be heard.
The science is clear: The same devastating neonic pesticides that have caused bee populations to collapse are now also understood to be pushing monarchs toward extinction. These toxic chemicals, combined with habitat loss driven by herbicide use and climate change, are destroying these butterflies' chances of survival.
We have until March 12 to make our voices count. Submit your comment now to the Fish and Wildlife Service, urging them to finalize new protections for the monarch butterfly and its habitat.
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