We the people Demand that the city of marionville drop the city ordnance against having roosters in the city limits.

It is against our god given rights as human beings for anyone to tell you that you cannot raise what you eat. I strongly disagree with the city's ordinance against not being able to have roosters in the city limits. I feel as if it should be change to where we can have 1 rooster and 10 hens in the city limits. The reason why I believe it's such a big deal for us to be able to have rooster in the city limits is because that is how chickens reproduce and not only that but the roosters protect the hen's as well. Especially when chicken eat BUGS, they also fertilize the soil form pooping. Rooster and chicken do more good then they do harm to anyone and if I'm being honest that's a huge food source for my family and I. Roosters make chicken eggs become fertile and in return that gives us food besides just eating eggs we could eat the chickens as well.

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