You have never heard anyone call for the abolition of your city council; that would be ridiculous. You have also never heard any person call for the scrapping of your national government, though there may be complaints about it. In twenty years, once a democratic world government exists and is doing its job routinely, it will be normal to never hear anyone suggest that we could get by without it.
Humanity has to govern itself at the global level, just as we have no choice but to govern ourselves at the municipal and national levels. Fortunately, we know how to do this, how to make a government work, how to make a government transparent, corruption-free and effective, and how to prevent it from annoying other levels of government.
Not only do we know how to make a world government work for all people and nations, we also know how to get from where we are now (the current world is still anarchistic in terms of how nations relate to one another) to where we must go, to the establishment of a democratic world government. We must conduct a global referendum on the creation of a directly-elected world parliament, and it must pass strongly, if the new institution is to have the required democratic legitimacy. (We can decide later whether to attach the new world parliament to the UN structure, but likely, it will be attached.)
The organization launching the global referendum on democratic world government is Vote World Government, and it can be found at We are collecting votes online, and planning to get schools and even towns or cities to conduct the world government referendum ballot (municipalities in conjunction with their next local elections). There is an international public opinion survey (18 nations) that indicates that a global referendum question on the idea of a world parliament would pass pretty strongly. You are invited to cast your vote at the address above, to read our materials and support us if you care to see this historic campaign succeed.
However, we could save ourselves years of work if we could get the General Assembly of the United Nations to pass a resolution asking all national governments to conduct a national referendum using a common ballot on creating a democratic world parliament. The chances of us finding a national government to sponsor this resolution is small, but we will get a number of states to agree to co-sponsor the resolution if a primary sponsor can be found, and once we have co-sponsors lined up, well find our primary sponsor.
To help get this United Nations-backed referendum going, please sign this petition and get as many friends and relatives to sign it as well and ask them to please do the same with everyone they know. If you dont know the world is in terrible shape, you are out of touch with the news media, and with reality. The UN is not going to fix what ails us. That will take democratic global action. (The UN is a meeting place of national governments, not a meeting place of representatives elected by people.) With your help, we can do this in perhaps a decade. The resolution we want to see presented to the General Assembly is re-printed below.
Here is my promise to you. If we get 100,000 or more people to sign this petition, we will be sending a lobbyist to the United Nations in New York for as long as it takes to get the required sponsor and co-sponsors of the resolution. And on that political basis, humanity will construct a democratic world parliament. And by the way, 200,000 signatures would be even better, and a million would be even better, and etc.
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EXPRESSING deep concern over the danger of nuclear war and the danger that WMD (weapons of mass destruction) may be used by non-national groups, either of which could imperil the very existence of life on Earth,
MINDFUL of the profound human problems that persist and worsen for lack of resources while hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on arms every year,
BEARING IN MIND that all nations and all people need genuine security in the age of overkill weapons, and recognizing that real security is now possible only through the establishment of an effective world authority,
AFFIRMING the interest of all individuals in expressing their views on an issue as fundamental as the survival and future of humankind,
RESPECTING the principle of subsidiarity, whereby issues are handled by the lowest appropriate level of government, thus leaving national politics to national governments, local politics to municipal governments, and so on,
REALIZING that people of every background would be inclined to support the creation of a directly-elected world parliament that is empowered to adopt and enforce legislation on global issues of security, justice, and the protection of our shared environment,
DETERMINED to provide to all adult human beings the opportunity to formally express their views on this hopeful concept,
REALIZING that a strong mandate from the people of all nations will provide an irresistible legal and political base of support for the eventual achievement of a world of cooperation, co-existence and civil governance,
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