Petition the Town of Hillsboro Beach Florida Commissioners to exercise a Cancellation of the “Contract To Purchase” a Property located at 1205-1206 Hillsboro Mile, Hillsboro Beach, Florida

We, the Undersigned, being Voters, Stakeholders and Taxpayers of Homes, Condominiums, Co- Operatives, Villas, Townhomes, Hotels and Motels located in The Town of Hillsboro Beach Florida, Petition the Town of Hillsboro Beach Florida Commissioners to exercise a Cancellation of the "Contract To Purchase" a Property located at 1205-1206 Hillsboro Mile, Hillsboro Beach, Florida which was executed on December 3, 2019. The Petitioners present that the Price to Purchase, the Costs to cure the defects and carry the subject Property as well as the Method to Pay these costs were hastily carried out, that not enough time was spent investigating and justifying the barrage of uses for the Property bandied about by the Commissioners. Importantly, sufficient time was not spent to discover alternate solutions to the issues cited by Commissioners to justify a $17 Mil Bond without being voted on by the Stakeholders undersigned below.


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