Immediately remove Bollards & restore all driving lanes on Foothill and Sunland Bl

We as a community need to fight for our own safety. Both Foothill Blvd. and Sunland Blvd. are the main arteries in and out of our towns. These are the only main access roads. These main roads were highly impacted due to the La Tuna fire. The. new bike lane configuration has greatly jeopardized all of our safety. Please sign this petition, to get the driving lanes restored, as well as the emergency lane back, and still have room for a bike lane and parkjng. The bollards need to be immediately removed.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 7 ans
Please join me tomorrow we need to be heard! Please join me If you want those bollards removed and the lanes restored on Foothill and Sunland Blvd. this Wednesday September 13th 6:30 pm. Let's come together and voice our concerns. Wednesday, 9/13. North Valley City Hall is at 7741 Foothill Boulevard beside the Library. See you there!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Please join me to be heard. this Wed. 9/13 6:30 pm. From one of the STNC reps.. As one of the STNC Region 1 board members, I am bringing a motion to the STNC board meeting next Wed. asking the DOT to restore the two lanes in Sunland from the 210 Sunland exit. If you have any comments you want to make, please show up for our meeting at North Valley City Hall, at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 9/13. North Valley City Hall is at 7741 Foothill Boulevard beside the Library.
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