Demand that Baylor football player Ishmael Zamora be kicked off the football team for beating an innocent dog

  • par: PITS AND TITS
  • destinataire: Mack Rhoades, Baylor University Athletics Director

In late June, a video was recorded by a Baylor football player on Snapchat which shows another football player, Ishmael Zamora, repeatedly beating his dog with a belt and kicking him while the poor animal yelps in pain.  

The reason for the beating? The dog isn't fully potty trained and simply had an "accident", something that ALL dogs do. Apparently this wasn't acceptable, according to Zamora.

Baylor University is STILL allowing Zamora to play on the football team without punishment, although this act of abuse is absolutely unacceptable and entirely deserving of being kicked off the team. The dog has been removed from Zamora and placed in his mother's care for the time being.

Baylor University is supposed to be a Christian University with Christian values and morals that further does not stand for this type of criminal behavior. Instead, because he is an athlete and one of the team's "top receivers", Zamora gets a free pass, a mere slap on the wrist for the abuse of an innocent animal.

We demand that Ishmael Zamora receives further punishment from the Baylor University Athletics department and that he is kicked off the football team due to his horrific, abusive actions. Behavior such as Zamora's is unacceptable and should not be excused. 



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