Don't Let Trump Drive Yellowstone's Grizzlies Extinct

The Trump administration has written a death warrant for Yellowstone's grizzly bears.
Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke have revoked endangered species protection for Yellowstone's beloved grizzlies, even though their population is in decline. Trophy hunters are lining up in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, waiting for their opportunity to gun down these magnificent bears and turn their heads and hides into wall mounts and rugs.
It's unacceptable.
Today just 700 grizzlies live in the Yellowstone area. Opening up the door to hunting will put these isolated bears in grave danger and undo years of work to ensure their survival.
Environmental groups including the Center for Biological Diversity have already filed notices of intent to sue if Zinke and Trump don't withdraw this cruel, unscientific plan.
TAKE ACTION - urge Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to reconsider removing protections for Yellowstone's grizzlies and avoid an avalanche of litigation.
Dear Secretary Zinke,
I am writing today to urge you to reconsider removing Endangered Species Act protection for the beloved grizzly bears of Yellowstone National Park. To do so would put these grizzlies at grave risk for being shot the moment they step beyond the boundaries of Yellowstone. As you well know, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho are already planning hunting seasons that would allow these bears to be brutally gunned down. As I'm sure you're also aware, environmental groups are already preparing to challenge this rule in court. Save yourself and the American taxpayers the burden of having to defend this cruel, unscientific plan in court by rescinding the rule and allowing the grizzlies of Yellowstone to enjoy the continued protection of the ESA.
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There are only 700 grizzlies in the Yellowstone region, and these bears are already isolated from other grizzly populations. To end protection and open the door to hunting them would be a grave mistake -- the evidence clearly shows we need to protect Yellowstone grizzlies, not turn them into targets for trophy hunters, and we believe the courts will agree.
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