Massachusetts Protected Wild Animals by Banning Circus Cruelties and Exploitation. Other States Must Do the Same!

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Lawmakers in Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont
Circuses are undeniably cruel and vicious towards wild animals. After all, cruelty is genuinely the only way to get lions, elephants, and other exotic animals to perform entirely unnatural tricks. These are things they would never do in the wild, but learn to do for humans in order to avoid further pain and suffering.

Luckily, more and more U.S. states are passing laws to ban this awful exploitation - with Massachusetts being the latest to join the trend!

Other states in New England, including Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont, have still not gotten on the right side of history, though. Sign the petition to urge - to follow Massachusetts's lead and ban the use of wild animals in circuses and traveling shows!

Common forms of torture that handlers use to force animals to perform for humans include whips, electric shocks through prods, and bullhooks to dig into and under animals' skin. The goal is to crush animals' spirits enough that they won't fight back or disobey - that they will become pliant and obedient due to pain. On top of that, animals are shoved into tiny cages where they are locked up for hours as the shows travel from location to location.

This isn't just bad for the animals. It's also bad for people. Over the past 30 years, records show that approximately 160 dangerous incidents have occurred involving elephants, bears, big cats, monkeys and other primates in traveling shows throughout the U.S.

These have resulted in harm to the trapped, desperate animals, as well as harm and even death to humans. These incidents have led to the deaths of 10 adults, as well as injuries to 136 adults and 73 children.

There are no redeeming qualities that make it okay to shove animals in tiny cages, torture them into submission, and force them to entertain humans over and over using unnatural tricks.

We're glad that Massachusetts, California, New York, and New Jersey have banned or significantly curtailed the use of exotic animals in circuses and other traveling shows. Now we must ask Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont to do the same! Sign the petition now!
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