Step Up Mississippi Lawmakers: Implement Animal Abuse Registry Now

Animal abuse and cruelty is a sad problem that is difficult to control, but some states are taking measures to protect their animals from pain and suffering. Mississippi needs to be among those states.

Just as a sex offender’s registry helps protect people from criminals, an animal abuse registry would be a giant step towards protecting animals. Anyone convicted of animal abuse would have to register their name, address and photograph with law enforcement. This computerized list would then be available to breeders, shelters, and stores so that they can check it before sending an animal home with someone. If a merchant does not check the list before a sale or knowingly gives an animal to someone on the list, they would be held responsible. 

Mississippi has some of the weakest animal cruelty laws in the United States. The Humane Society of South Mississippi recently reported that just last year, Mississippi finally got a felony animal cruelty law on the state books. However, this law makes animal cruelty a felony only on the second offense. A sad fact.

Animal abuse also leads to violence against humans. Animal abusers are some of the worst types of people, with very little regard for life and humanity. Studies have shown that anyone who commits a crime against an innocent animal is more likely to hurt a person. 

Please take action to protect our state's animals and people by signing this petition to strongly urge the Mississippi State Legislature to create an animal abuse registry.


Animal abuse and cruelty is a sad problem that is difficult to control, but some states are taking measures to protect their animals from pain and suffering. Mississippi needs to be among those states.

Just as a sex offender’s registry helps protect people from criminals, an animal abuse registry would be a giant step towards protecting animals. Anyone convicted of animal abuse would have to register their name, address and photograph with law enforcement. This computerized list would then be available to breeders, shelters, and stores so that they can check it before sending an animal home with someone. If a merchant does not check the list before a sale or knowingly gives an animal to someone on the list, they would be held responsible. 

Mississippi has some of the weakest animal cruelty laws in the United States. The Humane Society of South Mississippi recently reported that just last year, Mississippi finally got a felony animal cruelty law on the state books. However, this law makes animal cruelty a felony only on the second offense. A sad fact.

Animal abuse also leads to violence against humans. Animal abusers are some of the worst types of people, with very little regard for life and humanity. Studies have shown that anyone who commits a crime against an innocent animal is more likely to hurt a person. 

Please protect our state's animals and people by creating a Mississippi animal abuse registry.


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