Stolen. Killed. Eaten. You can help to end the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia.

It is a common misconception that dogs and cats are only bred on special "farms" for the trade. In Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia, the vast majority are captured homeless animals or stolen pets.
Prior to slaughter, some dogs are brutally force-fed with rice by having a tube forced down their throats, in an effort to increase their market weight and price, whilst others may be beaten in the mistaken belief that this tenderises their meat.
The most commonly used slaughtering techniques include drowning, bludgeoning, stabbing, boiling or blowtorching animals while they are still alive.
Did you know that…
• An overwhelming majority of people in Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia are against the dog and cat meat trade.
• Dog and cat meat is more expensive than other protein sources.
• The consumption of dog and cat meat is a serious risk for human health.
• FOUR PAWS has closed four major slaughterhouses and rescued more than 200 dogs and cats from being killed.
Our team is dedicated to ending this brutal trade. Add your voice today and join us in our fight to end this cruelty!