Barbados Pets and Livestock Need Your Help!


Link to Info on Bill:


Due to old tradition, bad habits, lack of knowlege, funds, and sadly simple disrespect toward life, traveling through Barbados you may or may not notice an extended amount of neglect toward the animals.
Dogs, cows and  other ill treated animals are set out in unbearable, painful heat for days and some even longer with no food no water and no or very little shade. Dehydrated and sick from numerous causes most are left to die or dumped elswhere. To some, alot of the livestock are just future (poor quality) meat or what they call insurance.
Many  livestock and  dogs have had such short ropes/cords on so tight for so long it has grown into the flesh. We have the mothers of baby monkeys being murdered so the young ones can be sold as pets, used for those cute little tourists photos and  many different.. even more horrific accounts regarding the animals (whom some even call pets) too mention here.
Barbados needs more push in the right direction.
EDUCATION and ANIMAL CRUELTY LAWS ENFORCED are needed now and for future generations. With your help maybe we can actually reach a point of making a difference here that is desperately needed for these animals and for the people who care. Please sign this petition so we can really try and make a difference.
Ended NOVEMBER  24th, 2007
Education, Law enforcement, Respect for life. Even if it is just one thing at a time. These changes are needed and way overdue.

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