Help Ensure Struggling Families Have Enough to Eat

A growing number of families across Canada are facing food insecurity, and we're seeing more and more of them asking for assistance--many for the first time. 

In the past year, 43% of people who accessed a Salvation Army food bank did so for the first time, a percentage that is only expected to increase. The Salvation Army works tirelessly to make sure that no family goes hungry, providing crucial assistance to people facing the challenge of high food costs and economic insecurity. For families like Stacy's, pictured above, the help is life-changing: 

"Before I came to The Salvation Army, I was so scared. I didn't know how I was going to find a home and feed my baby. I can't thank you enough for the happiness and smiles you've given to my daughter." -Stacy

Stacy receives groceries and support from her local Salvation Army food bank. All our important work to help families like Stacy's is made possible only through the commitment and concern of people just like you. 

Will you pledge today to stand with The Salvation Army, to make sure that struggling families have enough to eat? 
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