Boycott Birchbox Until They Go Cruelty-Free!

  • par: Jess Barnett
  • destinataire: Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna, Birchbox
Birchbox has revolutionized the beauty products world with their monthly sample subscription service. Their products are colorful, innovative, and helpful -- yet often come from companies that test on animals!

Please sign this petition to get the message to Birchbox that their business will suffer unless they stop using animal-tested makeup products. Help them understand that every time they sell an Estee Lauder/Shiseido/Unilever product, they are contributing to an animal's pain, suffering, and even death. Only cruelty-free can be beautiful.
Your monthly beauty product subscription service is a fantastic innovation. Unfortunately, many of the companies you partner with aren't so innovative, still using out-dated and unnecessary animal testing on their products. Beauty can and should be cruelty-free. Please only partner with cruelty-free companies and products.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Thank you to everyone who has signed this petition! Yesterday I met with Birchbox founders Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna yesterday at their New York offices. The following link will lead you to my "report back from HQ" about the meeting: Please feel free to email me with any thoughts. Thanks for everything!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Can you join me in NYC? On Wed. Dec 3, I'll be presenting Birchbox with 127k+ signatures! If you're in the area, please come out! Head here for the details and to RSVP. Can't come? Tweet @birchbox instead! We're winning!

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