United States: Ban Animal Kill Shelters

Disturbing Update - a high kill shelter in Texas murdered a Great Dane mother and her puppies, because the policy is to "euthanize" owner surrenders. Please join the No Kill movement and fight for these innocent victims.


Stop the killing of healthy, adoptable animals in shelters! Every year, an estimated four million dogs and cats are murdered in shelters. Every animal deserves the right to live, so who are we to decide when it is their time to go? It is humane to euthanize an animal if it is suffering from a fatal disease or a severe injury. It is not humane to kill a perfectly adoptable dog or a kitten that has just begun to live, because there is no space. Well, make some room!

Animals, big and small, are our companions. They brighten our days, and bring joy and laughter into our lives. Every animal deserves to find a loving family to belong to. We do not have the power to deny them of that opportunity.

As a dominant species, humans are responsible for protecting animals from abuse and neglect. It is our duty to provide a safe haven for them, not to send them to their death. There are alternatives to euthanasia. Just because killing is an easy solution, does not mean it is the right one. We need shelter reform and to eradicate all "trigger happy" shelter directors.

If we truly love and care about animals and their well-being, we will find ways to keep them safe, comfortable, and happy until they move onto their forever homes.

Thanks to my supporters, they have offered helpful suggestions for fixing this problem. Animals, especially dogs, can be trained to work as guide dogs, therapy dogs, police dogs, companions for the elderly, and even those who are sick in hospitals. Also, more off site adoption events need to be held, so people can see what is out there. More importantly is the issue of spaying/neutering, which will control the population, but stricter regulations need to be placed.


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