Get Wes Scantlin Clean with Rehab

  • par: Matthew Durham
  • destinataire: Puddle of Mudd fans and/or anyone who understands that addicts need help.
Wes Scantlin is the lead singer of the band, Puddle of Mudd. He has been dealing with issues right now in life mainly to do with substance abuse. This can be either alcohol or drugs in general, his record shows it.

As seen in videos through YouTube or other social networks, he is on stage breaking down while performing a show intoxicated. As the breakdown continues, fellow members of his band abandon him on stage while fans continue to jeer him.

If someone wants to say that he brings these things upon himself, then that is fine for most addicts do. The important thing to remember here is that he's a human being who needs some serious help right now. If his band mates are not anything to help, then we as fan or decent human beings need to help.

It's understandable if some people aren't fans of their music. Please see that he needs to be put in some rehabilitation center soon. Addicts not only hurt themselves but they are also hurting their friends and family close to them. Wes also has a son. If not for Wes, assist Jordan on getting help for his father.
If at all possible, sign the petition. Even start a kick starter if anyone wants to go that route as well. Get Wes the help he needs right now in his life.

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