Stop "Manchester Pets & Aquatics" from selling kittens in tiny enclosures!

Tell the council to inspect Manchester Pets & Aquatics shop for potential animal welfare law breaches!

I recently went into Manchester Pets & Aquatics shop which was selling cats, dogs and even primates and exotic animals. The kittens' enclosure is very small with only a litter tray and food and water bowl - no toys or bedding. They have no room to play or to express their natural behaviours. Imagine how bored they are? All they can do is to sit watching people come and go, fussing how cute they look but showing no care to their mental wellbeing or happiness. The animals appear lethargic.
The RSPCA say they don't have the power to intervene because the council has licensed the pet store. But we believe the shop is breaking animal welfare laws which state that animals must be provided space to express natural behaviour. For cats, the code of practice states, "They are athletic animals and need opportunities to run, jump and climb. If a cat is bored, and does not have enough to do, it may suffer." We believe the animals in this shop are suffering.
Sign now to demand Manchester council immediately inspect this pet shop for potential animal welfare law breaches.
If you find this situation sad and want the same changes I do, then please sign to improve the animals' welfare.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Thank you everybody for your support 😀
There's been a great change....the kittens have been moved to a better enclosure and the room is a lot cooler!
Job done! 😀
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