Apologize to And Compensate Woman Refused Concert With Service Dog

  • par: Sue Lee
  • destinataire: PNC Bank Arts Center - Concert Management Services in Holmdel, NJ

A young woman, who just recouped from a lengthy illness went to a concert at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel with a friend and their service dogs, only to be refused entry.  To ensure that she could bring the dogs in to the theatre, the woman allegedly called the sales office and was told there would be no problem.  However, that was not case when Ms. Morley and her friend came to the ticket office only to be refused entry past the bag check. 

Ms. Morley stated, “I was just going to have fun because I’ve been sick for so long and I am finally feeling better so I wanted to get out and do something different.”  She entered the theatre with her 3-year old dog, Radke that has gone with her to many other businesses and venues. She was fully prepared to bring her pet in safely with the dog wearing earplugs to deter the loud noises associated with such a concert environment.  “We were right there with everyone coming in from bag check, it was really embarrassing. I called in advance and said, ‘I am bringing a service dog, is there anything I need to know?’ And they said no.” It turns out that a third person with a service dog was also refused entry to the concert.

These people should not have been turned away from an evening of fun because of their need to be accompanied by their service dog.  Authorities of the theatre are having regrets and we are urging them to apologize to the women along with compensating them.  They were in violation in the Americans with Disabilities Act, and it is a fact that a person can’t be asked to remove the service animal unless the dog is out of control and the handler can’t control it or the dog is not housebroken, the law states. Help us in our efforts to gain justice for this woman and her friend by signing and sharing this petition.

PNC Bank Arts Center - Concert Management Services in Holmdel, NJ – It is sad and disturbing that Ms. Morley, her friend and even a third person had been turned away from an evening of pure fun just because they needed to have the accompaniment of their service dogs.  Such actions is against the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  We are asking that you offer these people a sincere apology along with compensating them for the embarrassment and refusal in letting them be entertained as hoped. 


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