Stop Poisoning Our Marine Life and Water

Storm water pollution is an issue that is taken very lightly. Not many people have a knowledgeable background as to the consequences of just dropping a piece of trash on the ground. Any piece of trash not properly disposed gets collected and transported by rain into storm drains. Trash in storm drains immediately puts marine life at risk. Not only does trash affect marine life, but it also affects the overall chemistry of the water. According to the National Resources Defense Council, “Untreated urban runoff collected from an auto parts facility near Los Angeles for over several years repeatedly killed 20 percent or more of the minnows exposed to it.” Marine life is dying at a faster rate day by day because trash polluting their home.
The beautiful thing about water bodies is that it does not only serve for one purpose. These water bodies serve as a way for people to go swimming or to use as drinking water. Imagine not being able to go swimming anymore or drink water from the lake because people cannot stop polluting the water. Polluted storm water puts people’s health at risk and increases the cost for water treatment.
I am asking to take further action on this lightened issue. We should focus on more beach clean ups and fine citizens who litter. Implement mandatory environmental courses into schools and at jobs to improve overall knowledge about the environment. Take a stand with me to help our wild life who are innocently dying everyday because of our selfish actions.

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