Stop Palm Oil from being labelled as Vegetable Oil

Palm oil is now found in numerous household products but it is often very hard to tell what contains it as companies are permitted to mask their use of palm oil by simply stating that there is "vegetable oil" in the ingredients.

This poses a problem however, as the increased demand for cheap palm oil has had devastating consequences in some of the most unique places on Earth, with vast areas of tropical forest in Malaysia and Indonesia having been illegally wiped out.

These rich and ancient rainforests are home to some of the rarest and most unique animal species on the planet including both Orang-Utan sub-species, one of which is now listed as Endangered and the other as being Critically Endangered.

It is estimated that around 5,000 Orang-Utans are killed every year primarily when they enter palm oil plantations or when mothers try to protect their young from capture. Populations are depleting rapidly with the increasing demand for cheap oil that many companies don't actually know (or care) where it comes from.

However, with all of this going on thousands of miles away there is little consumers can do as it is often hard to determine what products actually contain palm oil. So with your help, we are striving to change the European legislation forcing all European companies to clearly state palm oil as an ingredient in their products.

I also have another petition about elephant crushing in Thailand, if anybody would like to sign it, then the link is below. Just copy and paste it into the search box on your browser.

To the EU,

Please consider changing the legislation on Palm Oil being called Vegetable Oil, for the reasons above.

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