Stop The Murders of Stray Dogs!

The latest uproar of a video posted on Youtube of how the Municipal Council's Contracts for Hire blatantly torturing and killing a stray dog is beyond the norms of the word 'inhumane'. This issue has been going on since and the animal rights movement in the world won't keep quiet about this.

These pictures below are taken at Selayang Dog Pound in Malaysia.

Gerbang Mesra Selangor
Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Negeri Selangor,
Ibu Pejabat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor,
Tingkat 2, Bangunan S.S.A.A.S.
40503 Shah Alam

Tel     : 603 5544 7569
Fax    : 603 5519 1189

The Prime Minister of Malaysia
Main Block, Perdana Putra Building,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62502 Putrajaya,

Tel     : 603 8888 8000
Fax    : 603 8888 3444

We, the undersigned, bring forward to you an urgent matter as stated below:

The issue of how the Malaysian authorities turning a blind eye on the way the country's stray population are treated has got to stop!

Using brutal methods in destroying the population of strays, as well as dogs that are licensed but because of some mishap, was loose on the streets, are killed as well without questions asked, whether killed at their pound or on site, is also unacceptable.

The populous Muslim majority country, Malaysia, is portraying to the international world of how it's Muslim majority are treating these animals. The message sent across the international media is really giving Malaysia a bad name on how it's muslim majority are treating it's animals.

The recent case of the Majlis Perbandaran Batu Pahat (MPBP)'s contractors putting down a stray dog in a violent and inhumane way just shows how ignorant the authorities are in handling the stray population. The contractors involved are not even trained and licensed to used such lethal injections. This falls under the The Poison Act, Act 366, 1952.

Under the Poison Act, only trained and licensed individuals are permitted to apply poisonous or lethal injections and so forth. Without these, it is against the Law and Act itself.

32. (1) Any person who wilfully fails to keep any book required
to be kept under this Act or under any regulation made thereunder
or who wilfully fails to make in such book any entry required to
be made by any of this Act or of any regulation made thereunder
or who knowingly or recklessly makes any false entry in such
book which he knew to be false or which he did not believe to be
true shall be guilty of an offence and punishable by a fine not
exceeding five thousand ringgit.

The improper methods of treating the stray dog population is totally unacceptable. Using lethal fire arms to shoot on site, tying a noose around the dogs' neck, resulting in suffocation, beating up the dog with blunt force, and every other kinds of inhumane method attributes to the term ANIMAL ABUSE. But the mediocre Malaysian Law and punishment on Animal Abuse must be amended as well. With such a lenient punishment in place, it is sending the wrong message on how the Malaysian Government's stance on animal abuse is. Even the contractors which are hired to kill the stray dogs have already breached this law by using such methods.

Now another matter of importance we are bringing forward is this story:

Tan said his mongrel, named Black, was trailing his wife and son who were walking to school on May 5.

%u201CThere was a gunshot and the dog which was trailing them started bleeding and limping,%u201D he said of the 11am incident.

His wife Cheng Siew Kiong, 46, said she tried to explain to the workers that the dog belonged to them. %u201CBut they took it. They told us to wash the compound as it would be difficult if the blood dried.%u201D

Tan admitted he made a mistake in not taking out a dog licence.

%u201CBut how can you shoot the animal and then enter my house to get the injured animal without our permission?%u201D he said."

How could the MPJBT dog-catchers be going around with firearms to annihilate the stray population? And how could the MPJBT dog-catchers shot the dog in cold blood infront of Mr. Tan's child? What if they accidentally shot the child instead in the process?! And how the MPJBT dog-catchers go into the private premises of Mr.Tan to catch the dog? This is breaking and entering without warrant and it is punishable by law. Is there no justice in Malaysia's Law?

%u201CMBJBT only has one shooting team to handle complaints about wild dogs. We get complaints on a daily basis,%u201D he said, adding that he was not aware of Tan's case.

How could a head of the MPJBT not aware of such cases? How could he be in office if he does not do regular checks on these issues? Is he fit to hold that office?

This is what we suggest to you in order to reclaim the already tarnished name of Malaysia itself.

1.We urged and bring forth a mandate for you who is in power to work with the various animal rights movement in Malaysia to tackle the issues of the stray population.

2. To stop hiring non-professionals and un-trained contractors to handle the culling of the strays.

3. To educate the public on animal welfare.

We, the individuals that have signed, bring forward to you this petition, demanding the authorities to amend their policies and treatments of all stray animals, to amend the animal abuse laws and to stop all this senseless killings.

And please watch this video:

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