Live and Let Live

Conservationists estimate that between 30,000 and 38,000 elephants are poached annually for their ivory. More than 300 gorillas are killed every year for meat. It is even more painful when we hear that only 2500 Bengal Tigers are left in the world. Same is in marine world where more than 1500 whales, 20000 dolphins and 100 million sharks are killed every year and sold in countries in a high price. That lethal work doesn't only affect lives but also generations to generations. No one can understand that the world is so beautiful with so many awesome creatures. But we'll regret one day if the lethal work like poaching continues at the present rate. It is sure that in 200 days, people will look back on this particular period and ask themselves that how we did let all the amazing creatures to vanish. Mother Earth is crying and we must save her.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
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