They Forced This Horse to Race. He Broke His Neck, Lived Long Enough to Suffer, Then Was Killed.

A third horse has just died during the 175th Grand National Festival for horse racing in Liverpool, England. Over the span of just three days, all three horses were forced to participate in this brutal tradition - leading to severe injuries and, ultimately, death.

There is no way to justify this amount of death for humans' entertainment. Sign the petition to end jump racing at the Grand National Festival in the UK!

The Grand National Festival involves compelling horses to jump over multiple dangerous hurdles while racing down one of the world's longest tracks. All this occurs while the horses' riders are using whips on the helpless animals, forcing them to run faster through the course.

The intensity of these exertions puts horrific pressure on the animals' necks, backs, and legs. It's no wonder, then, that so many horses wind up dead every single year during this race.

In the most recent case, the horse Hill Sixteen died after he fell during his first jump over a fence - breaking his neck in the process. Only, he didn't die immediately. No, he suffered. He felt pain. The horse's agony only ended when he was ultimately euthanized.

How can anyone try to stand up for this callous tradition? Jump racing puts horses through tremendous risks and danger - just so spectators can have a nice time safely watching from the bleachers. It is incalculably cruel.

Help us stand up for voiceless horses. Sign the petition to demand that officials finally end deadly jump racing at the Grand National Festival!
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