Deadly to Dogs! Implore Costco and to STOP Selling Xylitol!

  • par: Bonnie Quaintance
  • destinataire: The President of Costco and ALL Costcos Offering Xylitol for Sale
Anyone who owns a dog should know this fact. Xylitol, the sweetener that has recently become all the rage is DEADLY to Canines...Yes, DOGS!

People who use any artificial sweetener while cooking/baking should be extremely wary of Xylitol. How many of us give our dogs a taste of our food? If you are like me, your dog always gets a sample. I use sugar because I prefer real to "artificial." If you are strict, good for you, but I am a sap!

For relevant facts go to:

While shopping in my local Costco, I noticed samples being given out which were sweetened with Xylitol, which Costco now offers for sale in bulk. I asked the woman handing out the samples if she was telling people that Xylitol could be deadly to dogs. Her answer? "I had no idea."

It does not take much Xylitol to sicken or kill a dog...think a chewed-up piece of gum on the pavement and a little Fox Terrier. Would you enjoy seeing your dog have a seizure? Would you be happy about their three-day stay at the vet while little "Foxie's" liver function was being monitored for signs of failure? Would you WANT to say a "Forever Farewell" to your furry pal, because they ingested a poison you used in food preparation?

Dogs are quite attracted to the smells of human food. Cooking or baking with Xylitol in a home where canines also live is NOT a wise choice! There are many sweeteners available without the deadly impact of Xylitol. PLEASE USE CARE if you choose to use Xylitol, but better yet, be aware of the consequences, especially if you own a dog. Personally, I would be completely heartbroken if I knew I had caused any harm, or worse, the death of my furry family member.


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