We demand the publishing of Aaliyah's albums on Spotify

  • par: Benedita Aguiar
  • destinataire: The CEO (or responsible of the publishing of the albums)

After the 15th anniversary of her passing, we should listen to her original album on a platform other than youtube, since she was a talented artist that deserves her reccogition by the younger generations and would celebrate wer work and in some kind of way thank Aaliyah for her dedication and persition.

Dear Spotify corporation, after the 15th anniversary (have in mind this was first requested in august 2016) of the passing of the talented artist Aaliyah, you should deeply consider adding her albums to your application, so that way you could promote her hard work and procced in thanking the deceased artist that deserved much more than her tragic ending, that way also luring fans of the composer to your app, since Spotify is much more pratical than any other musical app and many users are looking forward to this addition.

My best regards,

Benedita (I'm sorry if there are any mistakes)


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