Save the Last of Our Native Wild Horses & Close U.S. Borders 2 Export of Horses 4

  • par: Jetara Sehart
  • destinataire: President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Michael Bennet, Senator Corey Gardner, Senator Jeff Flake, Senator John McCain, Senator John Barrasso, Senator Michael B. Enzi, Senator Orrin G. Hat

Under 20,000 native wild horses and burros now remain, living freely, upon our vast public land 243,000,000 acres vs 3,000,000 cows, incoming vast solar field projects, oil, gas and fracking, occupying public lands, in excess. This ratio imbalance is managed and created by the Bureau of Land Management.

58,000 wild horses & burros are awaiting "adoption" thousands in desert facilities with zero shade/shelter and granted only 1 water trough 70+horses

Daily survival is a battle for America's wild horses & burros in the Bureau Of Land management's facilities....this is a truth, together>we can change.


In 2015-

>Return public land use 2 the 58,000 BLM trapped horses & burros (horses suffering in poor conditions/inhumane BLM facilities (many have no access to shelter and Summer is coming, facilities are located in High Desert climate)

>Stop wild horse & burro removals_herds under populated!-

>Enact Corporate responsibility for all who occupy public land: to enact good stewardship for land, water wild horses, burros and wild life

>and In 2015 Close US export >horse slaughter

Thank you for signing and sharing our petition to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Senators.

Please also join us on April 25th, 2015 NATIONAL RALLY DAY, in San Francisco, California, or join or host a sister/brother protest to:

Love Wild Horses  Wild Horse Protection Act FB @riseup4wldhorse Twitter

Please read :

Important NEW study re: damage to top soil caused by cattle over population (not wild horses or burros) "Bad Ranchers, Bad Cows" By Vickerey Eckhoff

Scientific Article By Craig Downer, Love Wild Horses' Ecologist, Author and Biologist: "The Horse and Burro as Positively Contributing Returned Natives in North America"  

I. Return the public lands, to the BLM trapped 58,000 wild horses & burros, to live in peace, safety and freedom.

II. Establish Native Species classification to protect & preserve the wild horses and burros
(TO STOP the feral humans within the BLM from treating them, as if the native wild horses & burros, are worth no more then dandelions.)

III. Stop pesticide based risky fertility control experimentation upon 20,000 remaining free roaming wild horses and burros. (PZP may cause cancer and sterilization, our sacred wild horse herds are already threatened, under populated)

IV. Create Green Jobs: Heal the public land re-seed/ install rain water catches, dig new springs for the wild ones to survive drought

V. BAN exportation of domestic and wild horses to slaughter

VI. Repeal the Burns Amendment (allows the BLM to sell wild horses and burros without authority, opening possibility for sale to slaughter to occur.)

Who is Senator Burns: Wikipedia states: "In September 2006, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released its second annual report on the most corrupt members of Congress, titled "Beyond DeLay: The 20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and five to watch)." Burns was included as one of the twenty most corrupt members of Congress[26] ....

"The Burns Amendment[edit] Burns added the Burns amendment to the Appropriations act of 2005, without discussion or agreement of the public or the rest of Congress. The Burns Amendment overruled critical sections of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, which protected America's wild mustangs and burros from slaughter. Taking advantage of his position as Chair of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Burns slipped the amendment on the 2005 Consolidated Appropriations Bill Conference Committee Report, without the knowledge of Congress and without opportunity to debate or strip it off by vote since committee reports cannot be amended."

VII. Strengthen the LAW: Free Roaming Wild Horse & Burro Protection Act of 1971, to truly protect our wild horses & burros

VIII. Always remove toxic corporate occupation from public land use, not wild horses or burros.

VIII. Enact Corporate Resonsibility for all who occupy our public land> good stewardship to protect wild horse and burro freedom, food sources, land and water and other wild life, too.

Petition Cover Photo: By Patty Bumgarner, Nevada Wild Horse Advocate and Photographer, thousands of wild horses are held in BLM facilities, on this day last month> in 140 mph winds, trapped behind fences, with no wind breaks/ or shelter to protect themselves from stinging dirt and debris laden winds. The BLM Palomino Valley Center, Nevada facility has been the center of controversy, for nearly 2 years, (Gimme Shelter Campaign History) due to failure, to either accept citizen aid, or to themselves provide shelter/wind breaks and more needed water troughs and proper care for these horses and burros, to prevent, Veterinarian: "Dr. Lester Friedlander" warned, heat related suffering and death for many horses, 6/13. This facility is located upon BLM managed lands and is funded with American tax dollars. Summer is coming...these horses need our help now to erect shelters, or be set free. 58,000 wild horses and burros are awaiting "adoption", or aid, together we can help them..give them shelter, or simply set them free.

Thank you, for joining the movement to Love Wild Horses,

Love Wild Horses, Marin Link sponsored 501C3

Please follow us on: FB  and Twitter

America's Native Wild Horses and Burros are nearly gone. 

To many wild horses have been removed from our 10 Western states, creating threat for wild horse survival and exasperating the wild fire risk for us all. The forage the horses naturally and formerly grazed down, has now been left to over grow and provide fuel for wild fires to rage, upon our already drought thirsty public land.

There are presently three times more wild horses, 58,000+ approximately, in Bureau Of Land Management facilities, then now remain free, upon our public land, our 245 million acres. We need your support to please right this dangerous imbalance.

Also, the wild horses and burros, who are living in the Bureau of Land Mangement's "pens", are suffering unnecessarily:in extremely, inhumane conditions and are daily struggling to survive. We need your help: because this must change, we the people, do not want our wild horses and burros imprisoned, harmed, or killed.

The solution is simple, most cost effective and compassionate for wild horse survival, our public lands and the people of America.

TO Simply: Share the land fairly with the wild horses, once again.

Our legacy wild horses represent, all that is good here in America, the spirit of "Freedom" and the passion, that created our country to be great. The ability for wild horses to be protected to survive and thrive is of great importance, to us all.

We now on Facebook: alone have 102,000 members of the Movement to: Love Wild Horses™ , increased from 22,000 since this past June.

We need you please to join us: To Love Wild Horses™

To Save the last of our Native Wild Horses and to Close U.S. Borders to exportation of Horses for Slaughter.

Wild Horses are pure magic, they are the very spirit of all that is good here in America.. they are our legacy, for the future to inherit.

May the truth soon set them free.

Thank You for your time and consideration in compassionate action, 

Jetara Séhart, Executive Director, Love Wild Horses™

Please listen for understanding of how wild horses prevent wild fires and desertification and why their freedom and survival is of great importance:

Additional links info for understanding:

Important NEW study re: damage to top soil caused by cattle over population (not wild horses or burros) "Bad Ranchers, Bad Cows" By Vickerey Eckhoff

Scientific Article By Craig Downer, Love Wild Horses' Ecologist, Author and Biologist:

"The Horse and Burro as Positively Contributing Returned Natives in North America"

I. Return the public lands, to the BLM trapped 58,000 wild horses & burros, to live in peace, safety and freedom. (25 federally protected wild horse areas of our public lands have been entirely zeroed out of wild horses. To return the captive horses to these arease would save the wild horses and save the welfare of the land, to also, reduce wildfires upon our public lands.) Free roaming wild horses are migratory top grazers, as they graze the root of plants remain intact, while roaming they spread native seeds, their hooves til the soil and their digestive system, creates moisture to be added to the land.

II. Establish Native Species classification to protect & preserve the wild horses and burros (TO STOP the feral humans within the BLM from treating them, as if the native wild horses & burros, are worth no more then dandelions.)

III. Stop risky fertility control experimentation upon 20,000 remaining free roaming wild horses and burros. (PZP may cause cancer and sterilization, our sacred wild horse herds are already threatened, under populated)

IV. Create Green Jobs: Heal the public land re-seed/ install rain water catches, dig new springs for the wild ones to survive drought and take down fences to open prime grazing areas and water, for wild horses to access

V. BAN exportation of domestic and wild horses to slaughter

VI. Repeal the Burns Amendment (allows the BLM to sell wild horses and burros without authority, opening possibility for sale to slaughter to occur.

VII. Strengthen and uphold: the LAW: Free Roaming Wild Horse & Burro Protection Act of 1971, to truly protect our wild horses & burros

VIII. Always please remove toxic corporate occupation from public land use, not wild horses or burros.

IX. Enact Corporate Resonsibility for all who occupy our public land> good stewardship to protect wild horse and burro freedom, food sources, land and water and other wild life, too.

Petition Cover Photo: By Patty Bumgarner, Nevada Wild Horse Advocate and Photographer, thousands of wild horses are held in BLM facilities, on this day last month> in 140 mph winds, trapped behind fences, with no wind breaks/ or shelter to protect themselves from stinging dirt and debris laden winds. The BLM Palomino Valley Center, Nevada facility has been the center of controversy, for nearly 2 years, (Gimme Shelter Campaign History) due to failure, to either accept citizen aid, or to themselves provide shelter/wind breaks and more needed water troughs and proper care for these horses and burros, to prevent, Veterinarian: "Dr. Lester Friedlander" warned, heat related suffering and death for many horses, 6/13. This facility is located upon BLM managed lands and is funded with American tax dollars. Summer is coming...these horses need our help now to erect shelters, or be set free. 58,000 wild horses and burros are awaiting "adoption", or aid, together we can help them..give them shelter, or simply set them free. Thank you, for joining the movement to Love Wild Horses, Love Wild Horses, Marin Link sponsored 501C3 Please follow us on: FB and Twitter

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 9 ans
The heart of freedom, the breath and spirit of dancing wind and passion, blessing America, with love and strength, you are.

Happy Independence Day!

Thank You 4 Being Part of This Movement!
For true, lasting protection and liberation 2manifest:
Love Wild Horses
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
(202) 208-3100 Please call DOI>2 Take immediate action>install shelters 2 protect 7,000 wild horses & burros residing within their BLM: wild horse & burro holding facilities (Palomino Valley& Indian Lakes)Nevada, located in high desert-Funded w tax $>$55,000,000. annually-there is no excuse for this abuse. Forced 2 endure140 MPH winds-trapped in-wind/snow & ice storms-w no way 2protect themselves. Summer is coming & survivors of winter-soon face searing desert Sun heat, w no escape

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
@usatoday@nytimes Tax payers rqst: 2 STOP BLM wild horse removals under 20,000 remain on public land vs. 3,000,000 welfare/feral cows."Stealing Horses is Stealing Power"
And return the 58,000 captive native horses 2 freedom 2day> (25 zeroed out of wild horses)BLM Herd management Areas (HMA'S) on our public land in 2015

Horse Medicine :

Re-Tweet Here :
Love Wild Horses
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Thank you for your support To Save the Last of Our Native Wild Horses & Burros!

Pls re-share and join us at a protest on April 25th, in S.F. CA., or in a city nearest to you!

May our wild horses soon become truly protected to live in freedom, safety and peace.

Love Wild Horses
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thank you for being part of the movement: United we stand:)
Be-aware of those who attempt divide goodness, with that chaos, lies the root..
2 de-evolve love's reign the heart of love.. rests peacefully the truth love love ur way!
In 2015 may we successfully close U.S. Borders to Horse Slaughter and may our wild horses and burros become truly protected to live and be free, soon.

We Love Wild Horses
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