Man viciously beats his dog to death in Cefalonia, Greece.

A native of the island of Cefalonia in Greece viciously beat his dog to death in front of children and other residents of the island . Despite the unfortunate animal's howls, the crying of children and the protests of the other people who were present, he did not stop his heinous action until the dog was dead. He then threw the corpse in a rubbish dump. Apparently this is not the first time that this sick individual has abused animals. What is worse, however, is that his fellow villagers who have witnessed his crimes refuse to testify against him. This man needs to be brought to justice before another animal suffers a horrible death.    

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Hi everyone!

Six thousand three hundred and sixty one signatures have been collected so far. The goal is to reach seven thousand and then forward them to the mayor of Cefalonia. I am certain that the message will be conveyed that this kind of abhorent behaviour towards animals will not be tolerated. And hopefully something will be done about it if they think that it will affect their tourism as so many people know about the incident.
Thank you all for your support !
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