Stop killing of feral cats by the Humane Society

  • par: Doreen Amadatsu
  • destinataire: Humane Societies in Canada that kill feral cats because their shelters are full and they see it as an easy way to eliminate the problem

The government supports Humane Societies by giving them funding to euthanize (Murder) feral cats because they feel it will eliminate the problem. Solution give funding to No Kill Shelters that support Trap, Neuter and Spay and return them as well as socializing their kittens and making them available for adoption. In Winnipeg alone we have over 100,000 feral cats and 100% of feral cats coming into the Humane society shelters are killed. Lost pets are held for one week then killed. We need to encourage more of a no-kill policy and encourage socializing of cats and kittens and give them a second chnce

I would like everyone on my Facebook to please support me in this petition. I would like to send a message to the Humane Society killing feral cats is not an option-'SPAY-NEUTER AND RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL COLONIES is effective in controlling cat population. Plans should be put in place to not only spay, and neuter household pets but also feral cats. Pleasse make sure to sign the petition so that we will have signatures from Manitoba.

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 11 ans
To all my fellow co-signers keep up the good work. We are almost there. Thank you to everyone and continue to have your friends sign this before the cat licensing goes through to support free or low cost spaying of feral cats and clarify the by-law re maintaining feral colonies.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 11 ans
With heartfelt thanks to everyone we are almost to 3000 signatures now I need people from Manitoba to show you care please find a way to sign this important petition. I want to get it to the Humane Society and before the city requires us to liscense cats but continue the killing of feral cats
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
I would like to thank all the people who have signed my petition and keep passing and sharing it on.If I can make it to 1000 signatures I would like to give our Humane Society notice to promote Trap, Neuter and Return as a way of controlling our huge feral cat population.instead of killing them and support the "No Kill Shelters" by giving them reduced fees for this program. Create a free standing clinic to promote this. Thank you again.

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